Follow the Leader

Dance Classes Help Build Relationships

Have you been stuck at home too long?

Did you know that River Oaks Dance’s ballet class can be a wonderful place for children to understand their relationship with others in and outside of dance class? One of our favorite monthly objectives in our dance classes is “Relationships.” And, February is a perfect month to learning about relationships to others during class. From follow the leader exercises to partner work, students are discovering how to dance in formation and with respect to each other. This leads the way to great choreography, and more importantly, teaches the value of teamwork!

In front of, behind, around, over, under. While these concepts seem simple, they take practice. Let your child lead you in dancing various placements, pathways and patterns at home. Work on mirroring each other’s movement and matching tempo. Have fun with it! 

How about a playdate?

A friend who has been in your life as long as you can remember, that is a real blessing. And we love that those connections can start here in our dance class. Dance class is a great way to foster friendship bonds of those your child may know from school or to meet new friends outside of their normal circle. Don’t hesitate to reach out to fellow River Oaks Dance parents at pickup or drop off to spark new friendships. We love to see the children reading books together before class or heading to Pumpkin Park for a picnic after class. At home, all you’ll have to do is plan a playdate with a new friend, put on some music and let the littles play dance class! 

Creating a Winning Community

At the end of the day, we just want our children to be happy, healthy and successful – whatever that looks like for them. This awesome article from the New York Times about a town that produced 11 Olympians looks at what they’re doing differently. Let’s all take notes on how to raise children as well-rounded, successful and happy. READ MORE →

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